Adopting Dogs and Time Management With Your Dogs

HEY EVERYONE! Bright and really HOT OUTSIDE! 100 degrees it feels like, no? YUCK!

So I tried taking Bambi for a walk outside, but it’s so hot, we both got so dehydrated!!!
The water bottle I took out with me for Bambi and I, heated up instantly! Well not really, but
you know what I mean. After finishing the walk, the water was NO GOOD TO DRINK! =(

Anyway, today I wanted to write and get you all some tips on time management with your dogs.
How? Doesn’t make sense? Well I will explain…

Majority of us have a job, part time or full time, or some of us might just be students, stay at home moms, scientists, doctors, who knows right? Well either way, we all have stuff going on in our lives everyday, whatever and whichever we are busy doing, we still need to make time for our pets. Dogs are opposites of cats, they need a lot of attention, and a whole lot of your time. There are people who adopt dogs and think it’s so easy to manage. It really isn’t and I’m sure all you dog owners out there know what I’m talking about. I have a full time job, a family to take care of, Bambi, as well as myself to take care of. BUT in the end I always make time for everything I need to get done.

Here are some tips on if you are ready to adopt or not:
Ask yourself these questions and if any of them come to a “no” answer, you got your answer.
1. Do you have time to take your dog walking at least 2 times a day (preferabley morning & night)?
2. Do you have time to clean and give them fresh food and water everyday?
3. Do you have time to play with them (excluding walking)?
4. Can you afford the hundreds of dollars for vet costs? (Yes, there are low cost vets, but usually those places turn out to be very dirty and the workers are so unfriendly.. just from experience. Been there, done that.)
5. Can you take the time to brush them, bathe them, and basically pamper them?
6. When you are off to vacation, will you be taking your dog or pet(s) with you?
7. If the above answer is no, then who will be taking care of your dog or pet(s)?
If so far these answers have come to a no, please do not think about adopting unless you really believe all those answers can be changed, likewise, you changing your life style for a pet or pets that you are going to adopt.

Time management tips:
I know like I wrote, all of us have things going on in our daily lives everyday, so how can we manage a dog or pets in our life? Well exactly, that is soley up to you, but here are some of my tips.
It has worked for my friends and family so I’m hoping they will work out for you as well =)

1. Make a task list of things you need to do daily, include your loved ones(dogs/pets)
2. Take time aside for yourself, at least a total of 30 minutes a day, this does not include eating and sleeping time, I meant just sit, think, appreciate, and acknowledge.
3. If task lists do not work, write yourself notes or make an alarm on your cell phone.
4. Make sure you get plenty of rest and energy for yourself before doing your daily tasks and what not.
5. If you have a full time job, it’s usally a 9 hour shift, in between those times, make sure you can watch out for your dog(s), meaning walk them or someone is with them, usually your dog(s) will get depressed and lonely being left alone at home all the time, and seriously even humans can die of loneliness, depression, stress, exhaustion, and lack of right nutrition.

If you need more tips, I have hundreds to tell you, just my fingers get extremely tired typing so I cannot type out all 1000 of them. =)

I will see you all back soon! *thinking about what interesting things to write the next day* hehe!

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