Dog Parks: Part 2

As we touched on in yesterday’s post, Dog Parks can be a great place for your dog to socialize with other dogs and for you to interact with other dog owners in the community. Since we covered what makes a good dog park and how to find one in the last post, today we are going to cover some basic guidelines and etiquette tips once you decide on which park you want you and your pooch to be a member of.

You want to be very cautious and watchful of your dog the first few times you bring him to a park. If you haven’t socialized your dog with others before, you may have no idea how they will react. Some of the nicest dogs with people can be very animal aggressive. Some will be very, very timid. Some will be bullies! Others will just want to have FUN– but fun to them means running their big bodies into other dogs and other people at top speed! It is important to get an understanding of how your dog acts and socialize them accordingly.

Dog park rules vary from park to park. But if you know the rules, and have a well trained dog that listens to you, you will do fine wherever you go. Next time: socialization tips!

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