Hey all, I wanted to write about taking your dog around in your car.

Depending on what kind of personality your dog has, it’s rather easy or rather extremely hard to transport them in your car. My Bambi is extremely scared of car rides, he will hide in the corner of his dog crate purse I put him in and for one of my neighbors dog, he is extremely wild and mad!

It’s like dog gone mad really! He will not stay still, even when he’s at home, he jumps all over the place, barks all the time, doesn’t sit still, and just hyper no matter what.

So, if you do have a dog like my neighbors, make sure that you have a fitted crate for your dogs size.
If you do have a crate that is fitted for your dog, he/she will have less of a chance to make the crate shake around your car and even tip over to the side depending on what kind of car you have.

Here is an example of what I would do for hyper and non-stop moving dogs:
Put the crate in a safe spot, front seat or the trunk if you have a mini-van or suv.
Make sure you put a small toy with him/her just incase he/she gets lonely.
Either way if the ride is long or short, it is still a car ride.

Here is an exmple of what I would do for a calm dog: PRETTY simple right?
Put him/her in a crate or you may even want to try putting him/her in a dog seater.
Here is a picture of one below:

A great way to keep your dog next to you while driving (Only safe for dogs who have calm personalities).

Please note, all dogs have different personalities, make sure you learn your dogs personality before taking them around to the public, they might be a dog who might bite, attack, or just the opposite.

Love them no matter what.

I will write next time about canned dog foods.

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